Shriya Fashion

Shriya Fashion

Our Courses

Grow your career with us

Shriya Fashion involve creating and developing new clothing and accessory designs for a brand or individual. We can include creating sketches or technical drawings of the designs, selecting fabrics and materials, and creating samples or prototypes of the finished products.


Basic to Advance level Course.
Aari work is a type of embroidery that originated in India. It is named after the aari needle, which is used to create the intricate and detailed embroidery patterns. Aari work is typically done by hand, and involves the use of a special needle with a loop at the end to create the stitches


Designing a blouse can be a fun and creative process. Start by sketching out your ideas. This can be done with a pencil and paper, or with a digital design tool. Make a pattern for the blouse. This can be done by adapting an existing pattern, or by creating a custom pattern from scratch.


Dress design involves creating and sketching ideas for dresses, selecting fabrics and patterns, and choosing details such as colors and embellishments. It can be a creative and rewarding process, but it also requires attention to detail and an understanding of construction techniques.